Teen Trail Corp Day at Twining Valley Bike Park

Help Twining Valley Park improve the trails and get ready for the local dirt! A lunch of burgers and hot dogs will be provided at 11 am between shifts. Volunteers are welcome to stay for both shifts.

When: Saturday July 29
Where: Twining Valley Bike Park, 1400 Twining Rd, Dresher, PA 19025

Families, please mark your availability in Team Snap for both shifts.

The main focus will be a reroute of the trail in the south section of the park to fix some troublesome drainage areas. Smaller groups will be send out to various sections of the course to do surface work and vegetation management.

Things to Bring/Wear

  • Closed toed shoes/boots
  • Gloves
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug Spray
  • Water Container
  • Hand pruner

Larger tools will be provided but if you have a favorite, feel free to bring it. You will be responsible for keeping track of any tools you bring.

Some Suggested Tools

  • Flat or Spade shovel
  • Stone or leaf rake (preferably metal)
  • Mcloud, heavy duty hoe or pick ax
  • 5 gallon bucket with handle


Twining Valley Park

Course Map – work in progress –

Sign up Genius for Volunteer Check in, Food/bev, etc..


  • 8am: Leadership arrives
    • Setup tent at Clubhouse
    • Setup tent at Worksite
    • Take Water cooler to Worksite
    • Take tools to Worksite
    • Mark trail at Worksite
  • 8:30am – 11am: Session 1
  • 11am – 11:30am: Lunch
  • 11am – 1:30pm: Session 2

Positions Needed

Everyone in these positions should bring/have a Walkie Talkie:

  • Volunteer Tent Sign-In Manager(1) (8am – 1pm): 
  • Project Leads(5):
    • Group 1(9am – 11am): Jason Schadel
    • Group 2(9am – 11am):
    • Group 3(11am – 1:30pm): Jason Schadel
    • Group 4(11am – 1:30pm):
    • Group 5(11am – 1:30pm):
  • Roving Group Leads
  • Food/Drink/Cook(2):
    • 10am-12pm

Areas of Focus

There will be specific locations where there are “projects” in mind.

  • South Side
    • Ayr Lane switchback maintenance
    • Ayr Lane basin crossing reroute and resurfacing
    • Ayr Lane berm maintenance
    • Big Berm maintenance
  • Plateaus – Central Park
    • Drop ins maintenance
    • Basin straights
  • Forest – Central Park
    • Forest Berm/Surface maintenance
    • Vegetation management
  • North Side
    • North side climb washed out
    • North Side downhill flow line

Gear Needed by Volunteers

Some will be provided but bring your own if you have them. Owner is responsible for their tools.

  • Bug Spray
  • Sunscreen
  • Gloves
  • Hand pruner
  • Closed toed shoes

Optional Gear (Some Provided by TWP)

  • Flat or Spade Shovel
  • Mcloud, Heavy hoe or Pick Axe
  • Stone or metal leaf rake
  • Small hand saw
  • Lopper
  • 5 Gallon Bucket

Gear Needed From TVP

  • Extra Gloves
  • Wheel Barrows
  • Garbage bags
  • 2 loads of screened dirt at each end of the retention berm
  • Grill

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