August Newsletter + Team Group Camping Deadline Aug 19

In this edition

  • Lodging at events
  • Group camping signup deadline (Gettysburg & Raystown)
    • August 19th – TAKE ACTION NOW. READ BELOW.
  • PICL Event registration is open!
    • August 29th: Final day to register in Pitzone for the ALL IN OPTION
  • Pittsburgh and Johnstown corrections (as previously stated)
  • Full season event schedule


Many of the lodging options will sell out prior to the events. If you are planning on attending the events, check out the lodging info sheet we have compiled for recommendations. Don’t delay! LINK-> 2022 SoMont/Philly Wiss Lodging Recommendations

Group Camping Info – ALL TEAMS – We have two opportunities for group camping this season.  This is a great way for the kids (and their parents/guardians and siblings) to bond and hang out. Many kids and families say this is their favorite part of race weekends!

#1: Granite Hill/Gettysburg Group Camping (September 9-11)

Granite Hill Campground in Gettysburg is the site of the first state-wide PICL event. We have reserved a group camping area on Berger Hill, which is literally a big hill/field where we pitch our tents and hang out. This is TENTS ONLY. If you have a camper, you will need to book your own private site. Bathrooms are a close walk away. There are picnic tables and fire pits to share. Bring your own food and drinks. If you would like to join us, fill out this form by FRIDAY, AUGUST 19TH.  Once you sign up, we will send you an email with payment information. It is $16 PER PERSON for the weekend plus $5 per night per car.

SIGN UP NOWDeadline Aug 19 – Gettysburg Group Camping Sign Up

#2: Raystown Group Camping (October 21-23)

If you have never been to Raystown, now is your chance. It is a beautiful place to visit and the trails are exceptional. We previously sent out sign-up info to returning families but we have saved some spots for new families. To join us, fill out this Google Form by August 19th.

SIGN UP NOW Deadline Aug 19SoMont/Philly Wiss Raystown Group Camping Sign Up

Unsure if you’ve already signed up? Please check the list below before signing up again. We will be prioritizing the remaining open spots for new families since returning families already had a chance to sign up. Raystown Group Camping Current List as of 8/2/22

PICL Event Registration is Open!

Registration is now open for the upcoming season, and PICL is offering two types of event registration:

1) The ALL IN package was created to offer families a discount on their event registration, while also giving the league accurate numbers for event attendance. Additionally, the ALL IN registration allows flexibility for participants to register for as many (or as few) events as they wish to attend.

For $100, athletes can pick from any (and ALL) of the 6 events PICL is offering for the 2022 season. To register for the ALL IN option, check the ALL IN event in Pitzone, and then choose any of the Competition and/or Adventure events. Please choose as many or as few as you plan to attend. With the ALL IN selection, the total at checkout will be $100.

The ALL IN option has a hard shutdown date of August 29th. Any registration from August 30th through the end of season will only be A LA Carte.

2) The A LA CARTE option is for families who may only wish to participate in 1 or 2 season events during the season. The A LA CARTE option is the same option we have had in years past. It is a $45 fee for either XC or Adventure, or $45 for both XC and Adventure on the same weekend.

The A LA CARTE option will be available starting August 30th, and run through the end of the season.

LINK – Visit the NICA PitZone now to start your registration.

Pittsburgh and Johnstown: Important Updates to Note!!

Please note that, as previously communicated, the dates PICL originally announced for the Pittsburgh (Boyce) and Johnstown races were incorrect. ALSO, racing will only take place on ONE DAY for each of these races, not on both days like with the other races.

The Johnstown race weekend is Sept. 17-18, with racing on Sunday, Sept. 18. Please plan to arrive at the venue Saturday afternoon (3:00 p.m.) for pre-riding; we will provide more IYC/SoMont/Wiss details closer to the event. See “event details” at

The Pittsburgh/Boyce event weekend is Sept. 24-25, with racing on Saturday, Sept. 24. Please plan to arrive early Saturday morning (7:00 a.m.) for pre-riding. IYC/SoMont/Wiss will likely only support the Saturday programming, with most folks going out Friday night and heading home Saturday night or Sunday morning. We will provide our teams’ details closer to the event. See “event details” at

Season Schedule

To view the full PICL season schedule, go to the PICL Event Page. Click on a specific weekend and scroll to/click on the “Event Schedule” tab for the weekend details.

Use the form button below to put your name and information on file for the 2025 mountain bike and cyclocross season. 

Partners, sponsors or potential coaches, connect with us below!

Our teams, leagues and series…

SoMont Abington MTB
SoMont Cheltenham MTB
SoMont North Composite
SoMont Central Composite

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